When it comes to compulsive gambling or living with one, the one thing that people have in common are the array of questions and the answers that they so desperately seek. Hopefully below some of these questions have been answered for you. If you have anymore, you are always welcome to contact us using the contact form and we will do our very best to answer them.
Can Gam-Anon help me even if the gambler is still gambling?
Yes. It will help us to realize that we are not alone with our problems. The Steps and tools of the program help us to take control of our lives, in spite of the gambling and the problems caused bythe gambling.
Will Gam-Anon help me to convince the gambler that he/she is a compulisve gambler, must stop gambling, and join G.A.?
When we understand the illness of compulsive gambling, and follow the Gam-Anon Steps and suggestions, the resulting change in our actions and attitudes may hel the gambler realize that compulsive gambling is a problem and motivate an interest in bringing about a change. Obtain literature from G.A. and leave it where it can be seen.
Will the compulsive gambler ever be cured of gambling?
There is no cure for compulsive gambling. However, with regular attendance at G.A. meetings and a continued effort to work the 12 steps of recovery, this illness can be arrested.
Does Gam-Anon offer any help to the children of the compulsive gambler?
Living in the home of a compulsive gambler affects every member of the family. Children of compulsive gamblers gradually lose their feeling of insecurity after their parents’ attitudes of criticism and resentment change to understand and forgiveness. Attendance at a Gam – A – Teen program is suggested.
Do we in Gam-Anon have set backs?
Yes, habits are difficult to break. We often slip back into to old ways of thinking and acting. However, we need not be discouraged. By attending Gam-Anon meetings and calling members regularly, we can return to a normal way of thinking.
What is my role as an individual involved with a compulsive gambler?
- Do not allow your anxiety to compel you to do what the gambler must do for his or her own recovery.
- Keep in mind that attendance at Gam-Anon meetings is for improvement of yourself, not the gambler. Allow the gambler to work the Twelve Steps of the G.A. program and you work your own program.
- Make your life as pleasant as possible. Take care of yourself.
- Accept the fact that recovery will not occur overnight for you or the gambler. For the gambler, abstaining from gambling is just the first step towards recovery.
- You will need the courage to address issues that will improve your life in relationship to the gambler. You will need to find your voice now if you have been reluctant to assert yourself in the past.
- Be open to dialogue with the gambler, but know that to interrogate, to berate and to belittle does more harm than good.
- Share your thoughts and problems with a Gam-Anon member and at your Gm-Anon meetings. There is nothing like talking things out with someone who has had a similar experience.
How long does it usually take to realize the benefits of the program after joining Gam-Anon?
Progress toward a better life comes to each of us in our own time and in our own way. Give the program time and have patience.
If the gambler continues to gamble, how can I learn to live with this problem.
To live with this problem takes almost superhuman patience. Realizing that this is an emotional illness helps. When we realize that our loved on is not deliberately trying to hurt us, our burden is a little w¡easier to bear. The only real happiness one can be sure of comes from within. We cannot change circumstances but we can change our point of view toward them. Be hopeful that the gambler will recover; but don’t depend entirely on any one person for your happiness. Use the Gam-Anon program to build your own inner core of strength and emotional maturity.
What can be done about the financial problem?
Rarely does someone come into G.A. or Gam-Anon without financial problems. Gam-Anon members can offer suggestions based upon how they addressed and resolved similar financial problems. For example, it is suggested that the household expenses take priority over the gambling debts. Even though the financial problems need to be addressed, do not forget that gambling, not money is the problem. Accumulated debts can only be taken care of gradually. Worrying about the future only blinds us to what can be done today.
We say do not interrogate. Why is this so important?
Experience tells us that the gambler will tell us either the truth or what he/she wants us to hear. So waht can possibly be gained from interrogation? As we work our own Gam-Anon program we will face truths without relying on interrogation as a source of information.